Wednesday, December 19, 2007



Taekwondo is a total learning activity. Lessons are tailored to your child's age and skill level. Your child begins by practicing basic patterns and forms, board breaking, kicking, blocking, striking, and punching. These fundamental skills increase your child's physical coordination, flexibility, balance, and mental acumen.
Taekwondo develops your child's athletic abilities and self-awareness, and improves the child's capabilities in self-defense.

2. Classes for Children

We specialize in teaching children starting at age 4. Our intention is to make children feel good about themselves, and be in physical and mental control. Our teaching methods are sensitively tailored to meet the needs of individual learning differences. All children are taught at their own pace and are never pressured to perform beyond their capabilities

In some cases, our school may provide child therapy. For example, from the self-confidence gained learning how to defend themselves, a shy, withdrawn child may become more outgoing and confident, while an aggressive child will become calm and respectful of others. Parents are truly amazed at the positive difference in attitude child develops after the training. A child can walk proud with head held high. Each student learns to say "Yes I can' in life "


Taekwondo emphasizes moral development as well. Children learn respect for themselves and others, heightened concentration, and increased self-discipline and self-restraint.

The self-discipline that develops as a result of learning and practicing the techniques usually carries over into other areas of the child's life. School grades often improve as your child learns to focus on objectives and to work toward achievement. The self-discipline and self-resect which Taekwondo develops can provide your child with the skills and mindset necessary to resist peer pressure.

4. Families and the Martial Arts

It is one of the most beautiful things in the world to watch parents and children training side by side. Parents glow at their children's accomplishments like the execution of a good side kick, or the breaking of their first board. The greater satisfaction, however, comes the bond of love, friendship, understanding and respect that develops between parent and child. Both parents and children share in each others hardships and accomplishments. Parents feel younger, healthier, and greatly fulfilled, and their children become more mature, confident, and well- behaved. Families in the Martial Arts are very fortunate indeed!


Anonymous said...

i am a taekwando gtf member!!

Synergy Taekwon-Do Academy said...

Yes, How can I help You? Anymore Training?